Skiing In A Group

Posted Sunday 9th October 2016

Summer is over and autumn is dragging but never fear, the season is almost here. To keep our spirits up in this months blog we look ahead to skiing with your group.

Skiing with a group of friends or family (or possibly several families) is something quite different, especially if you’re used to skiing alone or with your partner. Spend your days skiing rather than deliberating and agree some group rules before you go.

Morning Starts

Sleepy heads or early larks, deciding when to start the day is often the first challenge. There is always compromise, don’t argue out times or drag people from their beds. If you want to be the first on the slopes go for it, it’s all yours. Do a round of laps on the freshly pisted slopes and arrange to meet at 11/12 or a lunchtime spot.


Speaking of lunchtime spots, timings can sometimes be a sore spot. The Chalet Setanta breakfast will set you up nicely for the day but if you have members who prefer full 3 courses strike a compromise, perhaps by alternating days.


Skiing in a mixed group can be a great way to build confidence. Always be encouraging, hearing “you can do that easily, just take it slowly” or “follow my tracks” help build confidence and skills of less experienced skiers. Remember the golden rule and never leave a person behind.


The Grand Massif offers 148 slopes: 20 beginner greens, 65 blue, 50 red for intermediate skiers and 14 challenging blacks. Some of your party may want to do them all while others prefer to stay on the blues and cruisey reds. With a little planning before you go (download piste map here) you’ll discover the right balance for your group. Perhaps everyone meets for lunch and you all enjoy the Green Marvel down to Morillon, it’s ideal for beginners to practise what they learnt in ski school that morning, more advanced skiers will enjoy the views. The Cascades run to Sixt is another great route to do together, and by the end of the week you might be able to enjoy the Marmotte run.

Skiing is an experienced best shared. With a little planning (and give and take) your group ski holiday will be the best yet.